A singing librarian dreaming of a life outside the UK, who sews far too many clothes!
I guess this covers most of it, but here's a bit of background...
The singing
Well music was always part of my life from the year dot, my father even played the organ for my christening. Rumour has it, it was the only time I wasn't crying! :-)
Since then, I learnt to play stuff at school, recorders and 'cello mainly. Plus have always sung in a choir, its a bit more portable than a 'cello. I currently sing with Hertfordshire Chorus, a large and well known choir in the south of the UK.
Well this is the bit that brings in the money! I originally qualified as a secondary maths teacher (nuclear physicist/crowd controller?), but decided teaching wasn't for me, so qualified as a librarian. For those who don't know (or can't believe it), I actually went to university and studied to be a librarian, ending up with an MA in Information and Library Studies. I've worked in a number of different libraries throughout the UK - public, schools, further education, university and currently I'm working back in a public library. For those who read my library blog (set up originally for CPD23 things) you can possibly guess which sector I prefer to work in...
This is my other big hobby. I've been sewing for years. Mum taught me before I even learnt to sew at school. Needless to say I possibly picked up bad habits and got very frustrated trying to learn differently at school! The first things I really made were lots and lots of clothes for my dolls. They were the best dressed dolls around and Mum was happy as I used up all her leftover fabric!
I stopped sewing for some time, lack of money and no sewing machine of my own. I picked it up again as soon as I had my own place, making curtains and soft furnishings, etc. My grandmother had left me her old hand Singer machine too. I started to make a few of my own clothes, many of which I didn't keep, possibly because I didn't like the style, or felt they weren't fashionable (for someone who got teased for her fashion sense when younger, this is a big thing!)
I finally saved up and bought my first electric sewing machine about five years ago and since then there's been no stopping me! I love making my own clothes. Love the compliments I get, not to mention the fact that I've got something no one else has! I really need to have a clear out though!!
As well as dressmaking, I have dabbled in knitting (no thanks really!) I've also completed a lot of cross-stitch projects in my time.
Finally I love to travel and my fiance and I love to experience new countries and cultures. We've found our ideal place to live in and are in the process of leaving the UK for pastures new...