Tuesday 5 July 2011

Thing 4: Now comes the problem...

I was hoping that I could contribute to this blog while at work, as it's CPD, etc. Already, I'm experiencing a problem with this...

I work for a local authority and we just don't have access to all these social networking sites at work. Twitter is a no-no, Facebook isn't really encouraged and I certainly cannot access my gmail email, which I use for this blog. Pushnote will be impossible, we only have Internet Explorer and cannot download any software.

Does anyone else experience this problem? How can we convince our IT departments, managers, etc that this is professional development for work and we'd like to be able to learn this while at work?

Any suggestions??

1 comment:

  1. Are you a public librarian or in a corporate library in a local authority? There are lots of great examples of public libraries using social media sites as another space to build relationships with their customers. If you're in a corporate library there are good example of engagement with local communities that the library could help the communications team develop. I was lucky when I worked for a local authority in that I had a manager who could see the benefits of social media without being on it herself. It meant that I could do a lot of things for our library while flying under the official IT radar. Eventually the organisation hired a brilliant woman who'd been working in social engagment/community consultation in England. She led the change of attitude at the top which meant that the library was recognised for all the good work we'd been doing. She managed to make a lot of changes in 12 months or so.
    How much support is there in Library Management for this? Where does your library stand in the organisation - good rapport or bad rapport? What is your community like? (We had pockets of very savvy internet users coupled with atrocious broadband access.) How serious is your library about the services that it provides and the links to the community? What are you library/organisation goals and mission statement? How can you fit social media into that?
    I could go on and on about this but an [email] conversation may be better. Look me up if you want to go further with this. @librarykris
    Kudos to you for doing this in your own time.
